Learnkey Training Institute is committed to seeking equality of opportunity for all, irrespective of race, gender, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, age, class or disability.

Learnkey Training Institute actively seeks to demonstrate this commitment by adopting policies, codes of practice and action plans to combat discrimination in any form.

Staff and students are required to reflect their commitment to equality of opportunities and anti-discriminatory practices.

Learnkey Training Institute will promote equality of opportunity for all students and staff by:

  • demonstrating opposition to all forms of discrimination in every aspect of its operations
  • identifying and removing practices and procedures which unfairly discriminate
  • increasing awareness and positive attitudes at all levels in the centre toward people experiencing discrimination
  • creating a welcoming atmosphere for all students, staff and visitors
  • monitoring all operations to ensure no form of discrimination or harassment is taking place

Provision will be made for candidates with special needs by providing suitable assessment locations and technical aids where appropriate.